Dedication update

So here’s the current sitrep for the Dedication Mass. The Dedication Committee has selected a Music Director for the Mass. It’s Mike Joyce who used to be the director at the cathedral in Stockton. He’s a nice guy; I’ve sung with him before. He now works in the Oakland Diocese. Anyway, several of the parish musicians met with him last Saturday to talk about plans for the music. I was really impressed with the meeting. Mike made it clear that this was our celebration; that we knew our people (those who might be considered for participation) and what songs parishioners knew. So we settled on the songs for the Mass. Here is the list:
Gathering: Gather Us In, Somos El Cuerpo de Cristo, Que Allegria – PS 122 (FyC - #262)
Sprinkling: Agua de Vida/Water of Life – FyC #262 (bilingual)
Gloria: Mass of Creation
Psalm: Psalm 18/19 - FyC #177 (bilingual)
Gospel Acc: Celtic Alleluia (verse to be determined)
Litany of the Saints: Becker setting
Deposition of Relics: IF NEEDED - “Saints of God” – Bob Hurd #450 in acc. Book.
Anointing of the Altar and the Walls of the Church:
“How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place” – #84 in Acc. Edition
Incensation of the Altar and the Church:
Psalm 138 – David Haas – Gather Comp #84 – 1st Refrain
Lighting of the Altar and the Church:
Psalm 26/27 – The Lord Is My Light – FyC #190 (bilingual)
Presentation of the Gifts:
(Combined Spanish Groups to Present Gift Presentation Selection)
Eucharistic Acclamations:
Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante - Acclamation “C” “Por Tu Cruz”
Litany during the Breaking of the Bread:
Communion: Amen, El Cuerpo de Cristo, Ven Al Banquette, Pescador de Hombres
Closing Song: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name – Official Closing, Santa Maria del Camino (Music Ministry Only, Go, Make A Diff’rence – (Music Ministry Only)

We also made some choices/recommendations about musicians. Unfortunately, the decision has been made that only so many people can be involved with doing music that day, so we had to make a list of people to ask to be a part of the group. There are 6 groups/choirs for the Spanish Masses and 3 for the English Masses. This adds up to about 75 people. We were told to keep it to 30 singers + instruments.
So that part of the process is ongoing. People are being asked if they’d like to participate, steadily we are getting the list finalized. It needs to be settled on pretty soon because the Dedication is in 4 weeks!

In other Mass news, the choir has decided to take the month of January off. What incredibly poor timing! So in addition to the 3 Masses I usually do on the weekends, I’ve stepped in to do the 10:00 AM this month. And then, last week, John who plays at the 7 AM Mass called on Saturday to let me know that he was ill. So I ended up doing that Mass too for a total of 5 Masses last weekend. Yikes! More than ever I cannot wait until the new Mass schedule is in effect. I will let you know what that will be when I find out myself.


You will recall that I posted not too long ago about my friend, Alyssa. Alyssa had moved away and the connection that I had with her was severed. Over the past 18 months, there have been a few emails and text messages, and she has called me once. But these are not enough to sustain or grow a friendship. I have no doubt that she remained fond of me in the same way that I still have great affection for her. But our lives were now on different tracks.

Well, yesterday I found out via the Board of Trustees Agenda that she would be returning to the college as a short term contract employee. What great news! I sent her a text message letting her know that I had learned of this. Right away she called to shed some additional light on the situation. It’s only temporary but while she is back working for the college, she will be living back in Modesto. It’s tough managing expectations, but I am giving it a go. I would love to resume the same relationship we had, but what might the past year and a half have done to it? And is it really the best thing to go back? It’s probably better to be thinking of how to move forward. In any case, I shall try to make the most of the situation. I’ve missed my friend.

Sometimes you get the best light...

I had something very nice happen to me recently. As you know, I did not get the job in the MJC Music Department that I’d applied for last year. I have not been particularly shy about expressing my disappointment to my friends. Danny, who plays viola with me at church, related the following to me last Friday night. Anne, who directs the orchestra and was on the hiring committee, has been doing her regular chore of beating the bushes to get people to come play in the orchestra. She contacted Danny to come play viola as he has done many semesters before. Danny told her no and said the reason was that I hadn’t been given the job. What a flattering show of support for me. I do not believe I have ever had anyone stand up for me so definitely in my life. As I told another friend the other day, it’s like he burned a bridge in standing up for me. I would never have asked him to do that but it feels great that he was convicted enough to do it on his own.