Sometimes you get the best light...

I had something very nice happen to me recently. As you know, I did not get the job in the MJC Music Department that I’d applied for last year. I have not been particularly shy about expressing my disappointment to my friends. Danny, who plays viola with me at church, related the following to me last Friday night. Anne, who directs the orchestra and was on the hiring committee, has been doing her regular chore of beating the bushes to get people to come play in the orchestra. She contacted Danny to come play viola as he has done many semesters before. Danny told her no and said the reason was that I hadn’t been given the job. What a flattering show of support for me. I do not believe I have ever had anyone stand up for me so definitely in my life. As I told another friend the other day, it’s like he burned a bridge in standing up for me. I would never have asked him to do that but it feels great that he was convicted enough to do it on his own.

Comments (1)

Certainly doesn't happen very often, seeing someone take a stand.